As a dog owner, you may have noticed that your pet's face has discoloration around the eyes. These are often referred to as tear stains, and while they may be unsightly, there are ways to get rid of them. If you're frustrated with the brown tear stains on your dog's face, it might be time to take action.Keep reading to learn what causes tear stains and how to get rid of them.
As a dog owner, you may have noticed that your pet's face has discoloration around the eyes. These are often referred to as tear stains, and while they may be unsightly, there are ways to get rid of them. If you're frustrated with the brown tear stains on your dog's face, it might be time to take action.
Keep reading to learn what causes tear stains and how to get rid of them.
Tear stains are discoloration on the face of your dog. While this typically appears as a brown or reddish color, some dogs have tear stains that may be lighter or darker depending on their coat color. While some people find tear staining unsightly, it is primarily a cosmetic issue and does not affect your dog's health.
However, tear stains can become a problem if your pet's eyes are irritated from the discoloration. In these cases, you should take note of any changes. If your dog is constantly scratching or rubbing his face, there may be an underlying issue going on. You should consider having a professional look at your pet to check for any signs of irritation.
The coloring on your dog's face is caused by a buildup of pigment on the hair and fur around his eyes. Your pet's tear gland produces a liquid that mixes with this pigmentation to discolor the fur around his eyes. If you notice excessive mucus in your dog's tears, this may also contribute to the tear staining.
Tear stains are not completely understood, but some scientists believe they are often hereditary. If your dog's eyes tend to run more than usual or he frequently develops allergies, he may be at an increased risk of having tear stains.
If your dog's tear stains are relatively new, you may be able to get rid of them with a few home remedies. However, if they seem excessive or if your pet frequently deals with irritated eyes and mucus buildup in his tears, it is best to leave the task of removing tear stains to your local groomer.
If you decide that you want to get rid of your dog's tear stains, there are a few options that you can try at home. You may be able to cut down on the discoloration in a matter of days by using some household products and regular cleaning.
Be aware that it takes time and effort to get rid of tear stains. If you notice that your dog has pink eyes, you should not rely on homemade remedies and instead visit a pet groomer.
You may want to try:
Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and dab it on the stained fur around your dog's eyes. Let the solution dry before you release your pet. Repeat this process two to three times a day until the discoloration fades.
Mix equal parts milk of magnesia and hydrogen peroxide, and add starch to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your dog's tear stains and leave it on for 30 minutes. The enzymes in the milk of magnesia will help whiten your pet's fur. Rinse the paste off with warm water before releasing him from his spot.
Dab some white or apple cider vinegar onto clean cotton balls, and use them to wipe down your pet's fur around his eyes. Be sure to avoid getting the vinegar in your dog's eyes. Vinegar may sting and cause your pet some discomfort, so only use this method if the other methods haven't worked.
Although many home remedies claim to be a magic recipe, we don't recommend doing this process at home. You will be dangerously close to your pet's fragile eyes with chemical products, and you may not be able to see the entire area around the eyes. If there is an area that you cannot reach, it will stay stained.
Trust a professional groomer to take care of this for you. They have the experience and knowledge to do it safely and effectively.
Additionally, you cannot always rely on homemade remedies to work. You may be able to remove some of the discolorations from the fur around your dog's eyes, but there is no guarantee that it will not come back.
Professional groomers have years of experience and training in removing tear stains and other pet-related stains and odors.
If you're looking for a mobile dog groomer, we recommend checking out Pawsh. We are the first and only app-based platform that allows users to find and book vetted, top-rated pet groomers in their area. With Pawsh, you can ensure that your dog is in good hands.
Use our all-inclusive platform to book appointments in advance, get in touch with your pet groomer, and pay with cashless transactions
If you're looking for a more long-term solution, you can try to prevent tear stains before they happen. There are a few things you can do to make this task easier.
One of the best ways to prevent tear stains is to keep up with your dog's grooming routine. Take your dog in for regular cleanings and clean more often. This will help keep the fur around their eyes clean and free of any staining that could contribute to tear stains.
You can also try to keep your dog's eyes clear and free of mucus. If your pet is constantly rubbing its eyes or has a lot of drainage, it may be difficult for the tears to mix with the pigmentation on his fur. In this case, you may want to visit your veterinarian to see if there is an underlying issue causing this problem, one which could be cured with medication.
A variety of reasons cause tear stains in dogs, and they can be difficult to remove. If you're looking for a safe and effective way to get rid of them, we recommend leaving it to the professionals.
Pawsh offers a convenient way for you to find and book appointments with top-rated mobile dog groomers in your area. You can now keep up with your dog's grooming routine from home to help prevent tear stains from happening in the first place.
Download our app or contact us today to get started!